New Feature Alert: customizable donations!

What’s better than giving back to an important cause? Getting to add a funny GIF or meaningful message to your donation.

We’ve the first (and only) charity streaming platform to integrate with GIPHY so donors can join in the fun and help #KeepFundraisingWeird!

Donors can now customize their donations by including a short message and/or GIF that will appear in their on-screen donation alert.

Whether it’s a personal favorite, an inside joke with the streamer running the charity stream, or just the most absurd animation you can find — add a GIF to your donation and #KeepFundraisingWeird!

Donation alert message

Have something nice to say? Want to give a shoutout? Looking for your 5 seconds of fame? Well, you get an 80 character limit to do all of the above and have your message appear on screen.

For a step-by-step tutorial on how to add a GIF or message to your donation, click here.

Softgiving helps influencers fundraise for their favorite causes in a fast, convenient, lifestyle-based way. Create a campaign today and help us #KeepFundraisingWeird!

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